
Real Complaints Training offers authentic, evidence-based training resources to facilitate experiential, reflective learning focused on the specific communication challenges involved in healthcare complaint handling conversations.

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The Real Complaints Training package is designed with a modular structure to ensure that the materials can be adjusted to meet training needs and accommodate practical constraints on delivery.

The full package can be delivered in a one-day workshop or through a series of short lunchtime sessions. Alternatively bespoke training workshops can be designed to fit with organisational structures and training requirements by drawing on an appropriate subset of the materials to meet specific training needs.  The use of recordings of real complaints calls ensures that the training resources are beneficial for both experienced and novice complaints handlers.

Modular Structure

  1. Focusing on listening
    1.1 Listening as a moment-by-moment skill
    1.2 Ways of listening
  2. Listening to callers’ needs
    2.1 Recognising cues to callers’ priorities
    2.2 Recognising cues that callers’ needs aren’t being met
  3. Using affiliation to meet callers’ needs
    3.1 Dealing with emotion and distress
    3.2 Using affiliation to listen effectively
    3.3 Respecting the complainant as a reasonable person
    3.4 Why timing matters
  4. Affiliation in challenging contexts
    4.1 How and why blaming occurs
    4.2 Succesfully negotiating blame with affiliation
  5. Affiliation-focused reflective practice
    5.1 Applying the affiliation framework to reflect on professional practice